Deep Thoughts

Cookie Monster Philosophy
Deep Thoughts

A Look Into My Mind…

I thought the corgi picture from a few weeks ago best described me. Perhaps it does. But this video most accurately describes what is going on in my head 95% of my waking hours. (Dancing chickens and techno music included…) Well, 50% of my waking hours because the other 50%, I am not listening. Just […]

Deep Thoughts, Food and Recipes

A Perfect Day of Food

One of the many blogs I follow had this post last week – what would be your perfect day of food if calories weren’t an issue? What a fun exercise! My list discounts calories AND the amount of food one person can actually intake within a 16 hour day. Let’s forget that I’d just be […]

Deep Thoughts

What’s Your Daydream?

Howdy friends! As I think about what is going on in my life and what I want to share here in August, I keep coming back to daydreams. I daydream about everything – home, travel, food, family… And I have a job that interests me. I can only imagine what goes through your mind during […]

Deep Thoughts, Grateful For

Grateful For…Lazy Saturdays

This past Saturday found us without anything specific to do. Sure, the house list is still a mile long, but we didn’t have any contractor deadlines to meet or dates with friends to attend. I did have the wedding show on Sunday, so we knew Saturday would be a low-key day (and hopefully, Randy would […]