You may have noticed there was a post up yesterday that disappeared a couple of hours after it went up. It wasn’t that I didn’t like the content. Actually, I discovered I wrote the same exact thing exactly one year ago. Isn’t that ironic? October 20th must be a wistful day on my calendar. I […]
Deep Thoughts
Creative Blog Included Us!
Many thanks to Sandy at Keepsake Crafts for including my Motorcycle Babe bouquet on her blog today. Click this link to check it out! Sandy has a bunch of great DIY ideas on her blog, so be sure to add it to your Google Reader!
Poll: Save the Last Dance…For Yourselves?
As I strolled through my wedding blogs this afternoon, I saw a description of a couple who had all guests leave the reception area so they could enjoy their last dance by themselves. While they were dancing, the guests organized themselves to give the couple a big send-off.
Aqua and Pumpkin Wedding Inspirations from Etsy
I love fall colors, especially when highlighted with an unexpected color like aqua. Check out this Etsy treasury full of ideas for a fall wedding in the city or the sticks.
Special Event – Women for MACC’s Couture for a Cure Luncheon October 12
I am very excited to contribute to the upcoming Couture for a Cure luncheon and auction for the Women for MACC (Midwest Athletes Against Childhood Cancer) which will take place Wednesday, October 12 from 10:30 – 2.