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A PSA To All My Ladyfriends

A PSA To All My Ladyfriends

Ladies, think twice about what you flippantly post on Facebook with a casual tag of your husband. If you aren’t careful this: “Hey Randy, did you see this? I want this for my birthday!” Might turn into this: Yes, that is Noah on my shirt. This might be the ugliest picture […]

What I Did Today

What I Did Today

This one is short. My back is achy. My belly is full. My job is fun. Yep, this is what I did today.* I’m still trying to figure out exactly what I’m doing, but this is pretty fun. Rocking out to OAR while playing in the kitchen and finding the […]

Ginger Carrots Finally Make Me Like Salads

Ginger Carrots Finally Make Me Like Salads

When I was pregnant with Eggroll, I discovered a love for all things ginger. In an effort to look like a grown-up, I drank a lot of (non-alcoholic) ginger beer in place of the real stuff at dinner. Those drinks woke me up to a zing-y flavor profile that I […]

I’ve Got Travel Bugs In My Gut

I’ve Got Travel Bugs In My Gut

March was a big month for travel. The first weekend I went to California for a work trade show. The next week Randy went skiing with buddies in California. The third Saturday took the two of us to Chicago for our first overnight away from Eggroll where we did all […]

What Would You Do, Middle School Bully Edition

What Would You Do, Middle School Bully Edition

First, let me set the scene. It’s 4:45 pm on a Friday afternoon. We are in the Shorewood Village complex witch houses the library, a mini-park, the village hall, and the police station, viewed from left to right across your imaginary field of vision. I pull up in front of […]