Bright colors. Delicious smells. Interesting shapes and memories. Yes, one of my favorite things about our short Milwaukee summer is that we finally are inundated with fresh flowers. I always get a basket of annuals to hang by my front door and buy bouquets from the farmers markets when ever I can. But we can’t always wear […]
Tag: wedding flowers
Happy Anniversary to Me! And How Mark the Occasion Designs Was Born…
A year ago today, I married the man of my dreams. The day was magical. Everything went right. We cried a little and laughed a lot. The food was yummy, the guests were happy, the DJ was a rockstar. It was great. This day was also the cumulation of several months of hard work. Not only […]
Wedding Flowers: Heirloom or Hysterical Idea?
When I first told my mom I was getting married, she offered up her dress and veil. Even though she was married in the peak of flowered crowns and puffy shirts, my mom’s dress was beautifully classic. I would have loved to wear it, but when we opened the box, it showed all 37 years […]