Yah! I’m going to a wedding this weekend. No, it’s not this wedding, which could quite possibly be the most hipster wedding ever. (Fun fact: I know someone who was invited to this wedding. She is, BY FAR, the most twee person I know. So much so, I’m kind of surprised they call them “hipsters” instead of “meghans’. Anyway…)
The wedding I’m attending is for another girlfriend. I’m pretty confident there won’t be any birds or mason jars. In fact, I’m guessing this will be the most classic and beautifully formal wedding I’ll attend all year. But just in case I was worried, this infographic from Refinery29 confirms that this event will be hipster-free.

That doesn’t mean I’m not wearing a great vintage dress borrowed from a local collector. Miss A, if you are reading this (and why the heck are you on the internet – go get your hair done!), don’t worry… I promise no fishtail braids or hashtags.