X-10 Weight Loss Challenge

Just like every other woman who likes herself enough to give a rip, but not enough to be happy with the current situation, I am considering weight loss programs as we jump into 2013. On the other hand, I have another resolution to reign in the spending, so Weight Watchers and the like are out of the question. What’s a girl to do?

I think programs like Weight Watchers are successful because they force you to document everything you eat. More so than counting those calories, this always makes me pause before shoveling another chocolate deep-fried morsel in my gullet because I feel too guilty if I have to write it down. So I shall write down what I eat.

This is awesome and also has been done a biggilion times before. And then I find myself at a party with no notebook nor willpower. 15 bacon-wrapped water chestnuts later, I give it all up. Telling Randy I’m trying to lose weight just isn’t enough. So I shall tell you, dear reader.

And that’s where the fancy-dancy title of my new weight loss program comes in. I love ya, but no one except my nurse (not even my doctor!) knows how much I exactly weigh. That’s not a number I’ve been proud of since, oh, well…birth. So I weigh X. And I want to weigh X minus 10 pounds. I am giving myself 10 weeks to get there, which I will do by sharing my progress (or lack there of) each Monday or Tuesday here on the blog. If I don’t, feel free to harass in the comments or via Facebook or Twitter.

If you’d like to join me on the journey, I’d love to have you! Perhaps you have a X-5 or X-25 program ahead of you. No matter the goal, I work better with competition. The more successful you are, the harder I’ll try.

My program starts tomorrow, January 1. My mini-goals for this first week is to get back to drinking at least 8 glasses of water and eating 6+ fruits or veggies each day. Tune in next week to see how I did.

What’s your physical goal for this week? 2013?

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