X10 Week 2 – Slow and Steady

That’s more like it! With the addition of two more cardio sessions (and the subtraction of at least four chocolate products), I lost 1.3 pounds this week, bringing us to X minus 1.5 so far.

Last Monday I planned on Zumba after I taught my Piyo class, but the teacher never showed up. Just as I was about to take that as my excuse to go home and eat cheeseburgers, a random teacher who happened to be in the building offered to teach an Insanity class. Have you done that before? Holy cats. If Zumba is 55 minutes of flailing around, Insanity is 55 minutes of butt-kicking (sometimes literally) plyometrics. We ran, we did jumping jacks, we kick-boxed, we jumped, we squatted. And then we did it all again – and faster. (And then we did 5 minutes of plank holds and push-ups. My lamb.)

I also added in a boot camp class on Wednesday that was a load of fun. A ton of work, but its a great group of folks. We did a bunch of stations, including this one the teacher called Grass Rolls. You stand in front of a mat. Squat down, sit down, lay down and then roll over to your belly. Push yourself back up to standing. Jump. Come back down through a push up. Roll to your back. Stand up, hop. Repeat. Seems easy. It’s NOT. If you’ve got space in your office or living room, give it a shot now. Best of luck.

This upcoming week will be a challenge since it includes travel and lots of sitting time in a car. “I’m on vacation” is always a great excuse for eating the good stuff (bad stuff?), but writing it down should cut it down a little bit. I also plan on going to a grocery store before the trip to stock up on semi-healthy food. This doesn’t mean there won’t be gas station hot chocolate or McDonald’s French fries, but at least I’ll get some nutrients in there somewhere.

Super excited to have lunch today with a nutritionist friend to see what she has to say. We’re having lunch at Cafe Manna. So many good, healthy options!!

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