Week 3 of any diet (or, er… anything) is when I start to get bored. Add in a road trip with nothing to do, but stare out the window and eat chips and I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that I’m actually at X+1.8 this week. Wah wah.
I had planned to publish to the world this week’s weigh-in yesterday, but that number was just gross. One day of lots of water and apples got me closer to back in track, but I’ve got some work to do this week!
I learned some good habits from my travel buddies that I believe kept me from going totally off the rails.
- When we stopped for lunch, we stopped places that could include a quick scenic walk. I’ve roadtripped a lot and for some reason I’ve never thought of this before. Duh!
- Eat a piece of fruit before snacking on anything from the “bad stuff” pile.
- Drink at least one bottle of water before having a soda or gas station hot chocolate. (Only one hot chocolate this trip – go me!)
- Search out the healthy options even in the most unlikely places. We were at the rodeo for dinner Saturday night, which was held in their arena. I was counting on nachos (i.e. taco chips and cheeze-whiz) for dinner that night, but after seeing the great burritos the ladies got, I went to that stand instead. Turns out, this was the best meal of the trip! Fresh spinach, tomatoes, black beans and real cheese was not what I was expecting, but it was so good. And filling! No need to get a chocolate product during a later break.
- Give iced tea a second chance. I had it in my head that I didn’t like iced tea. Still not sure it’s my preference, but I was getting a little soda-ed out, so I gave it a whirl one lunch. Not bad! I may throw this in the mix here at home every now and then to help me towards my semi-goal of keeping soda as a special treat.
Saturday started us off with 80% healthy treats and practices. By Sunday, I was at around 50% and Monday was just bad. I’m traveling again this weekend, so we’ll see how it goes. Hopefully the brisk walks around Chicago make up for all the yummy food I’m sure A and I will find!
How do you keep your diet from imploding when you travel?
I’m horrible in a vehicle. Especially when I travel for work. I get so bored and want to eat. And the gas stations have such lovely enticing things. I love a couple of the ideas you listed, I’m going to use them. My biggest thing is just to ensure i have a full bottle of water (and I usually take 1 cup of coffee) so I can get as far as possible without wanting something else. And a banana or apple, maybe 1 serving of trail mix. The more I have in the car with me ahead of time the less likely I am to buy something else.
Heather – exactly! That’s why I loaded up on snacks before the trip AND tried to get gas right after a meal. If I have to go in the gas station when I’m hungry, all hell will break loose. 🙂 Fortunately, the rest stops along the way weren’t too dirty.