Resolutions Are For Sissies

I’m writing this from a cute little cafe I first discovered last summer when I was in Chicago making wedding vendor friends. I stumbled into it this morning, so I felt the need to make a beeline for lunch and some writing time. Seems like a much better place to review my 2012 intentions than the toll road Oasis as originally planned!

If you’ve been following along for awhile, you know that I set intentions instead of resolutions last year. On one hand, I think not having specific goals led to my year of wandering. On the other hand, I think these seven words (actions?) are phrases I will continue to come back to as I find my life’s purpose. (Yes, I know I sound a little hippy-dippy, but I seriously need a purpose!) At the very least, they make for good fodder in my yoga practice. Let us see how the year played out.


While most working professionals are trying to focus on the life side of the work-life balance, I think I focused too much attention on this part. I would like to say its led to a PR in a marathon distance (Er…or any marathons ran) and a house that would put Martha Stewart to shame both on the cleanliness and adorable scale. Alas, in the name of balance, I’m not sure much got done, since I was trying to balance too many things.

As we jump into 2013, I actually have more things to balance, but I am making a consorted effort to do away with the multi-tasking. I have set up time management software on my computer and my phone. This makes me schedule out my day, feel guilty when I go to Facebook (again), and ensure that I put in at least eight hours of work each day.


2012 was a year of testing, easy and hard. I choose to focus this review on tests I put upon myself, not what the world gave me. At the beginning of the year, I did a 21-day detox. The first week was just fruits and vegetables. On week two, I was able to add in soy and some fiber. Week three was everything natural, minus meat, dairy and gluten. Since I knew this was just for three weeks, I stuck with it, learning I can do it. (Also learning that good food, all food, is an intragral part of my life. This showed me ways to add in more natural foods into my diet, but this girl is never giving up cheese 100%.)

I also finally ran a complete 5k race in honor of my mom. Not only did I run the whole distance; I had my fastest time ever. I still don’t like running, but found it to be a great way to get outside and get a little sweaty. I’m never going to match Randy’s habits, but I’m happy to add this to my bag of obesity-repellant tricks.

In 2013 I have many goals that will test me. Since I have the attention span of a gnat, I am going to do one big physical challenge per quarter. I think my winter challenge is to complete a seven week course of Fit Club at the WAC. This isn’t really something that will have an exam at the end, but I will have to challenge myself each week to give it my all.


I give myself good and bad marks here. I did a pretty decent job on the Mark the Occasion Designs Blog, but obviously didn’t do well on my personal writing. I had many opportunities to speak with those that are closest to me, but I continue to stink on the phone calls.

You know what…I’m just gonna say it. I hate the phone. Yes, hate is a pretty strong word, but I hate the thing. Now that mom is gone, I shouldn’t have to use it anymore. Y’all know how to text, email, meet for drinks, etc. With the exception of a good conversation with someone that lives far away, I am giving up this tool!

*steps off soap box*

Writing of any form and fashion is going to be a big priority for me this year. My dad made wood furniture. My mom shaped young minds. I need to have something to pass on to the next generation. Now I just need to perfect my craft. (And find an audience that will pay me… Hey, we can dream, right?)

Oh and network. I guess that is where this goal fits. I really need to grow my already amazing network. Now I just need to figure out how to elevator pitch 5 different things at one time.

Clean and Green

These were two different words I lived by this year with two completely different meanings, but this post is getting close to epic length, so I’ll tie them together here. Were my floors clean in 2012? Not often, but I did start recycling stuff I didn’t know could be recycled. Randy finally got me to turn off the water when brush my teeth. My favorite dress of the year came from a resale shop. Being green is coming easy for me. Being clean… Well, I need to shower at least once a day, but if the piles of stuff around the house get too big, it’s pretty easy for me to consider that cutesy. I did learn to only handle something once, be it an email, the mail or the laundry. Makes it so much easier to just get it done!

I found out I’m allergic to natural beauty products, but I’m not giving up yet. In the meantime, I vow to either make my own natural cleaning products or purchase options from Outpost. Oh, and never eat Subway again. That stuff is nasty!


I don’t know how I did on this one. I think I handled the situation with losing mom decently and celebrated her more than being sad. (Publicly… Don’t look behind the pile of Kleenex and bagpipe music.)

This year, I had a mentor tell me that 95% is typically enough. Think about that for a second. Mind bending and totally true. I spent so much time stressing over that last bit, when no one except for me would ever notice. I should just be happy when I’m almost there. It is probably enough.

Professionally, I think I was hoping for bigger things to celebrate, so I didn’t make much out of the little things that were successful. I met my (tiny) financial goal for the year. I scheduled a few weddings already for 2013. It may have felt like a lot of treading water, but I did move forward, not in place.

This year, I have very specific small goals that I will be able to obtain and celebrate. I have dollar amounts to meet with each business line, number of visitors on this blog I want to obtain, and other assorted little tasks I should be able to meet. Also, I hope to celebrate my friendships more. I have the best friends a girl could ask for, so I want to do more with all of them to ensure they know I love them. (Hey you…I love you!)


I got a lot more support than I gave this year, so I choose to look at this one as to the support I gave my businesses. In short…eh.

I spent a lot of time putzing, but I could have done better. In 2013, I am going to spend a lot more time sticking with it. There are lots of ‘its’ – work, exercise, home, body – but I can’t continue flitting between all sorts of things. I have to give stuff time to work.

I have a specific strategic plan for the year (resolutions are for sissies!) that I’ll tell you about as the year progresses. In the meantime, what are you hopes for 2013?

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