Saturday Night in Downtown Chicago

Quick December Trip to Chicago

I abhor the term “babymoon”. It’s so…I don’t know – Hallmarkian? I will do everything in my power NOT to admit that this is exactly the type of trip Randy and I just enjoyed over the last weekend. Yes, we went down to Chicago to do things grown-ups do (like visit museums and eat ice cream for lunch…what?!) for one last hurrah before we really hunker down for Eggroll’s arrival. I took a few pictures, because everyone likes a good vacation slide show, right??


Not shown in pictures:

  • Lunch at Corner Bakery, because it’s physically impossible for me to NOT eat there while in Chicago
  • The really disappointing World’s Fair exhibit at the Field Museum. (There was nothing about the architecture. It was all about things that were on exhibit. Yawn.)
  • The super cool Evolving Planet exhibit at the Field Museum that we unfortunately didn’t discover until 15 minutes before closing.
  • Patient zero of the upcoming zombie apocalypse (AKA a random dude puking over the edge of the waiting area for the L, who didn’t seem to care that a train was heading straight towards his noggin at a pretty quick clip)
  • The taxi driver from Egypt, who filled us in with all that is really going on at home. Talk about a buzz kill.
  • The other taxi driver who was on the phone the whole time. (Related – Who do taxi drivers talk to? I’d say more times than not they are on the phone. And speaking Taxi Driver Latin that the rest of us can’t understand…)
  • Us watching a rerun of the Sound of Music on NBC on Saturday night because Geja’s might be amazing, but it’s a whole lotta food. And we walked a lot that day. And we’re old.
  • The tiniest sink in the history of sinks at our very cool hotel, Hotel Allegro.
  • Us talking about anything and everything, simply enjoying each other’s company. Have I told you enough how much I dig this husband of mine? Cuz I most certainly do.

I plan to line up babysitters to allow Randy and I to take mini-trips like this in the future. I also look forward to introducing Eggroll to the train, Michigan Ave., and all Chicago has to offer (though we’re going to hold off on the American Girl store as long as possible.) We’re pretty lucky to have such a neat city right in our backyard!

Did you do a pre-baby vacation? If so, where did you go?

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