Third Time’s A Charm – Eggroll in Month Three

I know I’m biased, but I don’t care. This girl is adorable. Simply adorable.


In month three, Malorie has started to show some personality. She smiles when Randy comes in the room and gets the saddest of sad frown-y faces when she’s hungry. In short, she’s really taking after her mom.

Malorie is Three (Months)!

Over the last few weeks, Eggroll has started truly giggling. It is THE BEST noise I have ever heard. Oh, my heart flutters just thinking about it.


On the other hand, this is the month that she’s really started to spit up. I’ve given up on either her or I expecting clothes to last for more than four hours at a time. I’m sure this is because we’ve had to up the amount of formula she’s taking in. Yeh, I’m not able to produce as much as she needs, but now that we’ve finally come to terms with that, she’s growing like a weed and sleeping like a champ.


This month also marked the first time Eggroll recognized that the furry thing that makes lots of noise is interesting. That’s probably because this was the first month we allowed them to be on the same surface. They are still big fans of each other, though I think Noah will like her a lot more when she can actually throw his toy.

A Baby and Her Corgi



The most exciting news of this month is that she’s started to accept headbands. She only pulls them off when she’s really hungry.


In addition to the regularly scheduled month three shots in the Morris Chair, I took some up in her room. She can kind of sit up now with the help of her boppy. Here is my newly curated exhibit I am calling, The Many Faces Of An Eggroll.


She had fun playing airplane on my legs, but it was a dangerous activity for me. No, not because she might have fallen off, but because my face was directly underneath her spit-up-filled kisser. Eek.

Playing Airplane on Mommy

Airplane Sickness

For Mother’s Day, Randy, Malorie and Noah treated me to a picnic at Estabrook Park. It was a beautiful afternoon to be outside! I took the fancy camera in hopes to get some practice and good shots. I think I was successful!

Month three was my favorite so far. I hope they just continue to get better!!


    • 🙂 I think we probably will keep her around, but only for the hair.

      Thanks! It was Randy’s grandma’s work. I keep trying to picture what must have been going through her head when she laid it out. No one is napping on that blanket, that’s for sure! But it is perfect for picnic purposes.

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