You guys, today was a big day for both of us. Miss Eggroll had her first day of school today. I’m afraid that just like I made Noah scared of the vet, my anxiety was transferred to Malorie. She normally loves all people, but when I put her down this morning at daycare girlfriend came apart. I was in the lobby for about 20 minutes doing paperwork and she was still crying when I left.
I called around 11 and they said she was doing great by then. I’m sure once she met her new buddies and got the lay of the land she was fine. I’ll let you know more later in the week, but for now… whew.
Eggroll is going to daycare two days a week for now as I get refitted for my professional hat. With my first day of carrying a briefcase, I met with one friend whom I will help with social media and e-newsletter work. Later in the week, I’m meeting with Dream Job people. I’m assuming all is going according to plan there, but I’m going to wait until I have tax papers in before I tell you all the details. In the meantime, please know I (finally!) got my oil changed, picked up materials for the last Mark the Occasion Designs project I shall do, and had lunch with another good friend.
I was able to put my head down and focus on this blog and the aformentioned floral project without the most adorable sidetracker in the world, so all in all, today was a win. I’m just guessing we’ll both sleep really well tonight.
In honor of today, here are Malorie’s nine month old pictures, which we took yesterday, only one day late. This was possibly the closest to the actual date I’ve got so far.
This last month was a big one. She started really talking and can stand up without assistance. She hasn’t really mastered walking yet, but that is just around the corner.
My little lady is growing up so fast!!
P.S. Please pardon the huge socks. Her feet aren’t really that big. I just can’t find socks that work!! Also, note that her clothes only sort of match. Neither one of us are prepared for winter weather yet. We’ll take layers however we can find them.
Socks are a pain in my (and Jordyn’s) hiney! Cute pics!
Thanks Heather! It’s about the only good reason for her to wear shoes – they keep the socks on.