Yesterday, I hinted at all the things I have to be grateful for even in the face of a tragedy. They are numerous! I bet you have special things in your life that are easy to name, but what makes you happy on your standard, average Tuesday? Remember, here at Truly, Margaret Mary, I celebrate […]
Life Hacks
Making life easier, one hack at a time.
Would You Choose 100 Happy Days or a Real Good Life?
Recently, a good friend, Meghan Arnold, questioned the #100happyday hashtag on Facebook. “I don’t understand hashtags like “100 days of happy.” First, shouldn’t you make the goal of every day to be happy? Second, can’t we, as a society, recognize that it is okay to have other emotions too? It’s okay to be sad or frustrated […]
300th Post Deserves a Contest – Win a Target Giftcard
Boy, I sure picked a dicey subject to tackle for my last post, huh? I loved the conversation that surrounded my thoughts that being a stay at home mom can be bad for your health. I still stand by this theory, but you’ll notice I changed “is” to “can be”. Those that responded made me […]
Why Being a Stay At Home Mom is Bad for Your Health*
*Caveat 1: Randy told me it’s too early for me to form this opinion. I was ready to agree until my doctor told me the urge to throw your kids against the wall doesn’t go away as they get older when I questioned the existence of not postpartum depression, but “my boobs hurt and the […]
A Birthday Wish List
It’s my birthday and I’ll daydream if I want to! As an only child, I used to consider this a big holiday. Now that I’m a mom with a husband who travels for work, I’m honestly just hoping for take out Chinese and the time to take a bath tonight. But if I could ask […]