
Headache Relieving Essential Pils
Eco-Friendly, Healthy Living

Four Uses for Essential Oils

I’ve never been a huge fan of pills. (Please see The Great Sink Incident of 1994 where my dad made me drink gallons upon gallons of water in an effort to swallow a pill without chewing it. P.S. It didn’t work. I still have to bite into anything bigger than an Advil.) It can’t only be […]

Eco-Friendly, Everyday

Pumpkin Products on Etsy

To continue my month o’pumpkins, I put together a treasury featuring the fall fruit on Etsy. As we’ve already discussed, pumpkins are everywhere this season – in food, on clothing, in the spa… My personal favorite on this list is the metal pumpkin from mason jar lids. Eco-friendly and pretty. Bonus.