Instead of interviewing a hero this month, I’d like to talk about a legend. Mom. Now my mom was pretty amazing in her own right, but this post isn’t just about her. It’s about all the women who have walked this path I’m going on and faced it without panic. (Or with panic AND a […]
Graduate-Level Goal-Setting: Inspiration for a Life Plan
As I continue this month of goal-setting and reflection, I have one more part I’d like to share with you. I’m only doing this under the cover of the blog as I’d be much too embarrassed to admit that I do this much planning in real life. Yes, there is sometimes even too much for […]
Yoga Off the Mat: Change One Thing
Today’s Yoga Off the Mat lesson is a simple one. I want you to change one thing. You pick the thing. You decide if it’s a different thing every day or a new way of living from here on out. Perhaps today is the day you start smiling at strangers. Or purchase organic milk vs. […]
What I’m Reading: The Happiness Project
We don’t have many shows in the DVR this time of year. Seems weird seeing as it’s relatively prime time for new stuff, but short of Top Chef, Downton Abbey and Toned Up (hey, don’t judge…), I really don’t have much I need to watch. Instead, on most recent weekday nights (OK, and weekends…) you’ll […]
Liqueur + Chocolate + Crust = Great, Easy Pie!
In 2013, I had a breakthrough. I learned how to host a dinner party where I could participate in the action vs. stay in the kitchen the whole time. Whoa. Granted, we purposely set up the new kitchen and dining room area as one space so conversation could still flow while I’m putting the finishing […]