She Designed the life she Loved

Graduate-Level Goal-Setting: Inspiration for a Life Plan

As I continue this month of goal-setting and reflection, I have one more part I’d like to share with you. I’m only doing this under the cover of the blog as I’d be much too embarrassed to admit that I do this much planning in real life. Yes, there is sometimes even too much for me.

But you know what – direction, guidance, whatever you want to call it is so important to keep us from just treading water. Sometimes we’ve just got to do it!

In my defense, what we find below is information I put together last year that will probably not be changed for the rest of my life. That said, you might consider this really out there stuff. Just try to hang with me for a minute.

So we know I have people I consider my heroes. In a conversation with one of those heroes, I asked how she decided what to work on next in a world full of options. In her thoughtful response, she said she had written down guidelines for life. All big decisions were weighed in against these concepts.

That got my wheels turning and I started working towards what you find below. This might have even been a template I received from the aforementioned hero. (Many thanks to you, if it was you, girlfriend!!) 

Maggie’s Life Plan

She Designed the life she Loved
Photo Credit to BlushFace Etsy Shop

Legacy Statement

This life is too short to work in a cubicle and live in the suburbs. When people think of me, they will think of someone who always took the challenge. Someone who was creative at all costs. A people person who appreciated the fine art of alone time, too. Sharing my words is good for the soul.

 Mission Statement

Have a great story to tell and someone to share it with.

 Lifetime Objectives

  • Teach people something.
  • Make a lasting impact.
  • Be here now.
  • Travel to unique places.
  • Develop a deeper understanding of spirituality.
  • Measure success by happiness.
  • Find a career that keeps me in going with passion and a healthy salary.
  • Ongoing educational opportunities.
  • To live a healthy life – exercise, food, natural practices.
  • Insert a little creativity whenever possible.

So what do you think? Could you make the time to create your own legacy and mission statements and lifetime objectives? I know we live in a hectic, break-neck speed world, but guarantee you this will be time well-spent.

Good luck and focused thoughts coming your way!

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