Month: March 2014

Adam Takes Denver
Deep Thoughts, Guest Bloggers, I Love A Challenge, Inspiration, Travel, Yoga Off The Mat Series

Guest Blogger – An Everyday Guy Experiences A Sweat Lodge

I first met Adam and his girlfriend, Stephanie, at the first yoga teacher training weekend. They showed up with meditation stools and other fancy accouterments of yoga. I was totally in awe. These guys were the real deal. But when we got back from our lunch break, the ideal was dashed for as we took […]

Martitas Guiltless Margaritas
Deep Thoughts, Grateful For, Guest Bloggers, Life Hacks

Guest Blogger Martha Chooses to Be Grateful

This month we’re talking gratitude. Sometimes it’s easy to be grateful, sometimes not so much. Today’s guest blogger, Martha Manske, reminds us it is our choice to be grateful, even in the middle of a not-great scenario. __________________________________________________________________ I was at one of my events a couple of weekends back. I’m a small business owner […]