Upon marrying a man like Randy, one comes to expect that he would have opinions on feminine vs. masculine roles, toys, etc. For the most part we agree – girls can do anything boys can do. That includes science, playing with fire trucks, and basketball. But on the other hand, talking Barbie dolls in our […]
Third Trimester Workout – Jump in the Pool!
Fact: No matter how much or how little weight you gain while pregnant, by the time you hit the last few weeks of the third trimester, you feel like a moose. You may still look great, perhaps you’ve even gained less than you should, but as that bun in the oven starts pressing hard on […]
The Legend of the Mom
Instead of interviewing a hero this month, I’d like to talk about a legend. Mom. Now my mom was pretty amazing in her own right, but this post isn’t just about her. It’s about all the women who have walked this path I’m going on and faced it without panic. (Or with panic AND a […]
Grateful for Time With My Men
Pretty soon we’ll even up the male vs. female teams around these parts, but before we do, I’m really glad we had a good Christmas break to enjoy being just the three of us. Randy was off of work for most of the time between Christmas and New Years so we did a lot of […]
Emotional Highlights of 2013
If you’re on your computer, iPad, or other electronic device today it means you are either at work (I’m sorry!) or are already over the excitement of your Christmas presents. (More socks. Thanks.) Either way, you’re probably looking to kill time and there are only so many videos of Corgi puppies a person can watch […]