We had a good run, Diegos. From the moment you put your little head on my shoulder until tomorrow when, well, I hope you do the same one last time, you have been the best furry friend I could have asked for in this point in my life. I got you at 25, as I’m […]
Tag: growing up
He Wouldn’t Recognize A Thing
He wouldn’t recognize my running or yoga habits. He would be surprised to know I’m a teacher. He wouldn’t understand what a blog is, let alone how someone could make a career out of it. (Granted, I’m still learning, too, but I’m trying!) He would recognize my husband, but not as the guy with that […]
The Difference Between Ages 15 and 33
I’ve been trying to figure out the difference between teenage Maggie and grown-up Maggie for a while now. There are the obvious answers, but I honestly believe I look better now than I did then. Pre-pregnancy, I weighed less than I did at 16, my skin is finally smooth, and, with the help of a […]
Guest Blogger – Amy Sends A Note to Her Younger Self
Per the Yoga Off the Mat lesson yesterday, I have a few guest bloggers lined up who are going to share their thoughts to their younger selves and with us during the month of February. First up is Amy Nardiello. Amy was the president of my sorority my first year at the University of South Carolina. […]
Yoga Off the Mat – Lessons From The Younger You
Since I have such a fondness of contemplating life (every. damn. corner. of. it.), it shouldn’t surprise anyone that in these last final moments before Eggroll makes her appearance, I am thinking about my current place in time. I’m 33 years old. That’s not old, but it sure isn’t 22. I have a mortgage (actually […]