Hey guys! I enjoyed the month break from the blog. Well, that’s not true. I felt horribly guilty for not writing and had a million ideas flit through my noggin, but I was relieved not to have to keep up with a schedule. Now, I know no one except for me (or possibly my aunt […]
Tag: Target
Editing A Christmas List Into Four Categories
Hey friends! Have you figured out what you want for Christmas this year? I typically think of things all year long and then get stumped when someone asks. This year, I took notes. I’m going to try something new when it comes to shopping for Randy and Malorie. Instead of buying all of the things, […]
Grateful for Things Besides Food
I’ve been a little food-centric this week on the blog and well, everywhere in my life, so today brings a bonus post where I bring back the “Grateful For” series to find things that don’t relate to food, babies, blogging, or zumba class that still make my tail wag. Let’s broaden our horizons, shall we?
300th Post Deserves a Contest – Win a Target Giftcard
Boy, I sure picked a dicey subject to tackle for my last post, huh? I loved the conversation that surrounded my thoughts that being a stay at home mom can be bad for your health. I still stand by this theory, but you’ll notice I changed “is” to “can be”. Those that responded made me […]
Sound Off: The Shops At Target
I am a thirty-something white female, which means I spend at least $50 per Target visit as demanded in our rule book. (What’s that? There is no rule book? Well, this law is written somewhere!) I appreciate a good bargain as much as the next girl, but I do like to shop at local boutiques […]