Martitas Guiltless Margaritas

Three Guest Bloggers And Their Gratitude

Since we’re big on the gratitude this week, I thought it would be a good time for an encore from three of the fabulous guest bloggers we hosted earlier this year who each gave their take on the topic.

Martha taught us that it is our choice to be grateful.

Martitas Guiltless MargaritasBut really being grateful is a choice. We need to CHOOSE to be grateful. It’s up to us and we CAN do it.  And what happens when we’re grateful is that we become happier people and our lives become better. Sounds simply and IT IS simple. “

Read more from her here.

Shelby reminded us that gratitude comes in many forms.

Shelby Talks Gratitude“Sometimes I don’t know what I am thankful for until days or years later. Some days I take for granted all that I have and realize how great it was when it’s gone.”

More from Shelby here.




Karen gave us many ideas as to how to incorporate gratitude and forgiveness into our daily lives.

Gratitude and forgiveness

“Focusing on the good in our lives and on the relationships and things we do have can bring the peace so many of us are hoping to achieve.”

Read her ideas here.




Of course, I think you should also check out the 30 Points of Gratitude workbook available to blog subscribers, too.

Today, I am grateful for these three women and all the other glass-half-full folks that have become a part of my life! Thank you, friends.

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