If these last three years have taught me anything, it is that starting your own business is more work than you think. Double the amount of time, money and dedication you think it will take. Then double it again. That might come close. There are a biggilion and one reasons why I love this lifestyle, […]
Poll: What Do You Want To Learn?
Next month, we’re going back to school! Yes I’m going to culinary school, but you might be going to gardening school, getting your masters degree, or finding your place in your child’s PTA. I’m all about any reason to buy new notebooks and pens! Even without a formal plan, I’m a big believer in lifelong […]
First, Do No Harm – Frustration With Myself
I was all set to write a big post about frustration. Things haven’t been going along with my grand plans and its boiling up to a bothering point. I can’t seem to get focused enough to get anything going. Then it happened. I know it was bound to happen sooner rather than later, but I […]
Four Teaching Updates and One Personal One
I am officially back in the swing of things when it comes to my job at the Wisconsin Athletic Club. I may not be able to do a pilates teaser myself yet, but that doesn’t mean I can’t teach you how! Here are some updates to my training schedule. Work One-on-One With Me FOR FREE! […]
Why Being a Stay At Home Mom is Bad for Your Health*
*Caveat 1: Randy told me it’s too early for me to form this opinion. I was ready to agree until my doctor told me the urge to throw your kids against the wall doesn’t go away as they get older when I questioned the existence of not postpartum depression, but “my boobs hurt and the […]