Raise your hand if this long weekend took all the initiative out of you? HAND RAISED! It is summer in my head and all I want to do is play outside, wear flip flops, eat pudding pops and in general, shirk responsibilities. Alas, I am 35, not 3 or 5, so I need to do something […]
Tag: Noah
A PSA To All My Ladyfriends
Ladies, think twice about what you flippantly post on Facebook with a casual tag of your husband. If you aren’t careful this: “Hey Randy, did you see this? I want this for my birthday!” Might turn into this: Yes, that is Noah on my shirt. This might be the ugliest picture I’ve allowed of me on […]
Real Life – Everybody’s Got One
Monday, man. Monday was a rough one. I’m not allowed to panic (anymore) yet until we take a blood test and get results, but all signs are pointing to bad news for Noah. Only I could turn an innocuous voicemail from the vet about reasons he doesn’t walk straight into a full-fledged, laying on the […]
And Then I Spent An Hour Googling “Dog Brain Tumors”
Folks, I have gone from 0 to 60 in a matter of a few sleeps. Or rather, 25 to 60 since I wasn’t totally coasting before. (Fact: I was pretty much coasting before.) Somehow I’ve gone from one super part-time job and a for-fun blog to three jobs and a blog I’m hoping brings in […]
Photos of Eggroll – Month Six
Hi friends! Eggroll here. Mom took a bunch of pictures during the month when we were out and about doing interesting things. You may have seen them on Instagram or Facebook. When she was getting ready to put this post together, she realized all the pictures came from a mini photoshoot she did one night after […]